First Treatment for Swollen Gums and Festering Gums

First Treatment for Swollen Gums and Festering Gums

First Treatment for Swollen Gums – Have you ever had swollen gums? This of course will be very disturbing, from eating to sleeping. Therefore, so that you are not bothered by the problem of swollen gums, you need to know important things about swollen gums, the causes of swollen gums and how to overcome them.

Gum or gingiva is a part of the body that is located in the mouth which consists of mucous tissue that covers the alveolar bone in the oral cavity. Gums have a pink color which indicates the presence of blood vessels behind them.

Swollen gums are usually a sign of a certain problem. Such as gum disease or infection. If you experience swollen gums, it certainly feels uncomfortable and must be treated immediately. There are many home remedies that can be done as a first step.

Various problems can cause swollen gums. Usually associated with oral health or complications of oral health problems. If you get swollen gums, you can try to do first treatment for swollen gums and also for festering gums to avoid the infections.

Also Read Strong and Healthy Teeth By Consuming These Foods

How do healthy gums look?

Basically, healthy gums are pink in color, are stable, don’t wobble to the touch and have a mottled texture like an orange peel. Apart from these things, you may have gum problems. It’s important to note that if the gums are bright red, or even bleeding, then there is inflammation.

Classification of Gum Problems

Gum disease or problems can be classified into two, namely gingivitis and periodontitis. Gingivitis is a mild problem or disease of the gums. While periodontitis is a disease of the gums that has entered a more severe level, usually accompanied by damage to the underlying bone.

One of the problems with the gums that is often experienced by many people is swollen gums. The problem of swollen gums is often ignored and taken for granted, even though if left unchecked, swollen gums can be the cause of other problems in the gums which can then spread to the teeth, even the mouth.

Some causes of swollen gums

Swollen gums are usually characterized by the presence of enlarged, protruding and bulging parts of the gums. This condition can be an early sign of chronic gum inflammation.

  • Food Leftovers. Food remnants that are not cleaned properly and left between the teeth and gums will invite germs and bacteria to enter. If left unchecked, bacteria and germs will continue to accumulate and will cause swelling of the gums.
  • Hormone. Swollen gums due to hormonal influences often occur in women, especially during pregnancy. Changes in hormone levels due to pregnancy are the main cause, and are usually only temporary.
  • Drugs. Some types of drugs can actually cause swollen gums. You need to pay attention to this if you have taken good care of your overall oral health, but your gums appear swollen.

First Treatment for Swollen Gums

The following is the first treatment that can be done to reduce gum inflammation and relieve pain:

1. Antiseptic Mouthwash

Antiseptic mouthwash can’t remove plaque and tartar, but it can help control the buildup of extra plaque bacteria. You can buy an over-the-counter antiseptic mouthwash at pharmacies. Or buy mouthwash through the Halodoc application. Look for products that contain strong antiseptic ingredients, such as cetylpyridinium chloride.

2. Gargle with Salt Water

Salt water solution or saline with a concentration of 1.8 percent is known to be effective in improving the healing of swollen gums with pus. You can make a brine solution by adding a teaspoon of salt to a cup of cooled boiled water. You can gargle with a salt water solution three to four times a day.

3. Herbal Mouthwash

Herbal mouthwash containing tea tree oil, cloves, and basil have antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties. It is beneficial for gum health, including the reduction of plaque and inflammation of swollen gums.

4. Ibuprofen

Ibuprofen can be used to relieve pain, including swollen gums or periodontal disease.

5. Visit the Dentist

If the above methods don’t work to relieve swollen gums with pus, then it’s time to visit the dentist. With a dentist, you will get dental procedures to remove and treat infections.


Tips to Improve Your Oral Hygiene and Gums

Tips to Improve Your Oral Hygiene and Gums

Tips to Improve Your Oral Hygiene – Oral hygiene and health is the main thing. You’ve probably heard time and time again that a daily dental hygiene routine should include brushing your teeth twice a day and flossing once a day. While this is a good thing, just brushing and flossing may not be enough to maintain your overall oral health.

There are many things you can do to get your mouth and gums healthy. But you have to be careful too so you don’t do it wrong. Tired to find a way to make your teeth and gums healthy? Try these tips to improve your oral hygiene and gums in simple way!

Also Read Strong and Healthy Teeth By Consuming These Foods

1. Brush your teeth twice a day for at least 2 minutes

Keeping your teeth clean and healthy starts with regular maintenance. Brushing your teeth for two minutes twice a day, known as the 2×2 rule, will help prevent plaque from building up. To make cleaning each tooth easier, try spending 30 seconds in each quadrant of your mouth.

Using the right technique is important to ensure that your teeth are cleaned properly and that you don’t damage the surrounding soft tissue. Children should be introduced to this concept from an early age, and find ways to make it fun. You can play a song while they brush their teeth, or use a timer to know when two full minutes have passed.

Using small circular motions, tilt the brush head toward the gums. Be sure to clean all surfaces, as well as along the gum line, both the front and back of your teeth. Or you can also try to use an electric toothbrush.

2. Try to use Use an electric toothbrush

Electric toothbrushes are often considered more effective than traditional toothbrushes, if used in the right way. With an electric toothbrush, users do not need to brush their teeth back and forth but simply direct the brush through the quadrants of the mouth and a small vibration performs cleaning.

If you tend to notice more plaque and calcium buildup in your mouth, an electric toothbrush can be more effective at removing these particles on a daily basis. Many electric toothbrushes also have a built-in 2-minute timer to help you.

It’s important to note that brushing too vigorously, with either an electric or traditional toothbrush, can damage your gums. Be careful when brushing so that your tooth enamel doesn’t hurt.

3. Don’t ignore your tongue

The tongue has millions of bacteria living on it and can cause bad breath and plaque buildup in the mouth. When you brush, make sure to brush your tongue gently as well to remove bacteria.

You can also add mouthwash to your daily routine to freshen breath and kill bacteria. Be sure to use one with fluoride for the added benefit of strengthening your teeth and protecting your mouth as a whole.

4. Replace your toothbrush if there are signs of damaged

As a general rule, replacing it every 3 to 6 months should keep it in shape in order to properly clean your teeth. A broken or messy toothbrush cannot clean the surface of the teeth properly and can cause damage to the gums.

Changing your toothbrush frequently also allows you to help keep it clean. Always rinse your toothbrush well and store it so it can dry. Remember to change your toothbrush if you are sick to prevent bacteria from re-entering your mouth.

5. Don’t smoke

Because smoking can cause obvious problems, such as tooth staining, as well as serious health problems such as gum disease that can lead to tooth loss. One of the best things you can do for your oral health and overall health is to quit smoking immediately.

6. Stay hydrated all day

Adequate hydration is not only good for your overall health, but being hydrated also helps maintain a healthy flow of saliva.

Saliva aids dental health by moving food particles through your mouth, preventing most of them from settling on your teeth where bacteria can grow. It also helps keep your mouth comfortable and moist. So it’s important that you don’t run out of water.

7. Regularly visit your dentist

Remember, your dentist will be able to prevent problems before they start, or at least to spot them early, if you have regular dental appointments. Regular visits also allow your teeth to get a thorough professional cleaning twice a year, removing plaque and tartar buildup, which helps keep your teeth and gums healthy.

You can visit 99Dentist if you want to maintain your oral health. We will offer you with the best services!


These articles about “Tips to Improve Your Oral Hygiene” will help you improve your dental hygiene routine and keep your mouth healthier overall. You need to remember to always take care of your oral health and teeth at all times. Because this is not only useful for beautifying your smile, but also avoiding the risk of dental and oral diseases.



Strong and Healthy Teeth By Consuming These Foods

Strong and Healthy Teeth By Consuming These Foods

Strong and healthy teeth will make your smile more beautiful. However, his health is often forgotten. In fact, the gums have an important role in supporting the teeth so that they remain strong. Maintaining healthy gums is as important as maintaining healthy teeth.

Like other areas of the body, the mouth is filled with a collection of mostly harmless bacteria. However, keep in mind that the mouth is the entrance to the digestive and respiratory tracts. Therefore, some of these bacteria can also cause disease if dental and oral health is neglected.

Usually the body’s natural defenses and good oral health care, such as daily brushing and flossing, can keep bacteria in check. However, without proper maintenance, bacteria can become dangerous and cause tooth infections and gum disease.

Also Read How Often Should You Change Your Toothbrush?

Foods to make strong and healthy teeth

We already know about the dangers that candy, chocolate and soda can pose, but avoiding them is not enough. We need to pay attention to the healthy foods we exchange.

Healthy foods like fruits and vegetables and quality protein pack all the necessary nutrients and fiber that keeps teeth strong and healthy.

1. Green tea

Gum disease such as gingivitis occurs due to inflammation. The antioxidants in green tea can help ward off this inflammation.

In addition, green tea can help reduce swelling and make gums healthier.

2. Raisins

Eating raisins can help you in getting healthy teeth and gums. Phytochemical compounds found in raisins can kill bacteria that cause cavities and gum disease.

Another bonus, the sweet taste produced by raisins does not contain artificial sweeteners so it is good to be used as an everyday snack.

3. Green vegetable

Green vegetables are very good for oral health and teeth. Examples of green vegetables are spinach, kale, broccoli, and others.

Green vegetables are rich in vitamins and minerals, such as calcium and folic acid. Both are very important in strengthening teeth and gum tissue. Folic acid can also prevent the appearance of gum disease in pregnant women who are more prone to it.

4. Yogurt

Yogurt is a probiotic food that is high in protein and calcium. Both of these ingredients are useful for strengthening teeth.

Consumption of probiotics can also support the growth of good bacteria in the oral cavity. Thus, probiotics are useful to help reduce gingivitis and plaque buildup.

5. Milk

As with yogurt, milk is high in calcium, vitamin D, and protein. These ingredients can fight gum disease and strengthen teeth, and prevent tooth decay.

6. Nuts

Nuts are a good source of protein for the body because they contain phosphorus and calcium. They can help fight bacteria that cause tooth decay.

The calcium in nuts can also strengthen teeth. Therefore, making nuts as a menu to maintain dental health is important.

7. Celery

Celery is rich in water, minerals, and vitamin C. The vitamin C content in it is good for curing inflammation of the gums.

Not only that, chewing celery can help clean the surface of the teeth by binding plaque and food particles.

8. Sugarless Chewing Gum

Chewing sugarless gum is a good way to keep your mouth and teeth healthy. Chewing activity can increase the production of saliva, so that it can rinse the bacteria in the oral cavity.

9. High Vitamin C

A balanced and healthy diet with long-term dental care benefits is rich in vitamin C. Known for their protective benefits, vitamin C-rich fruits such as strawberries, grapefruit, apples, kiwis, limes, cranberries, and oranges help fight acid-forming bacteria. It is also rich in antioxidants which help maintain the health of your oral cavity.


Those are some foods that can help keep your gums healthy. By changing your diet to be healthier, it will certainly make your teeth strong and healthy.



How Often Should You Change Your Toothbrush?

How Often Should You Change Your Toothbrush?

Change Your Toothbrush – Toothbrush is one of your oral and dental hygiene needs. Because, dental health generally depends on how regularly you clean it. Although it sounds trivial, but teeth filled with plaque can invite various dental, oral health problems, and even affect other body organs.

Therefore, brushing teeth is one of the routines that must be done every day to maintain the health of your body.

Brushing your teeth is healthy, but this activity can also cause disease if you rarely change the toothbrush you use. Do you know how many bacteria live on your toothbrush? One toothbrush can be loaded with bacteria if you never replace it.

That’s why it’s important to replace your toothbrush because it can become a breeding ground for microorganisms. But, when and how often do you need to change your toothbrush?

Also Read Some Causes of Swollen and Bleeding Gums

Why is it important to replace your toothbrush?

As explained above, toothbrushes can be a source of nesting bacteria. When we brush our teeth, bacteria or microorganisms can move and survive on the toothbrush. The place where we put our toothbrush is not necessarily sterile. Usually, toothbrushes are stored in the open near the toilet. This of course can be one of the causes of our toothbrushes infested with microorganisms.

After brushing your teeth, your toothbrush will get wet, and this can put a high risk of bacteria growing. However, the microorganisms found on toothbrushes don’t always make people sick.

The toothpaste used usually has an anti-germ component, this component is able to make it difficult for microorganisms to survive. But microorganisms like damp places, so try to keep your toothbrush dry after use and keep your toothbrush in a dry place.

So, how often should you change your toothbrush?

According to The American Dental Association, you need to replace your toothbrush approximately every three to four months. Because, after more than three months, the bristles of the toothbrush are generally worn out, so they need to be replaced with new ones.

However, the condition of the bristles also depends on how you use them. A person who is used to brushing his teeth hard usually makes the brush wear out and fall out faster.

Therefore, the key to changing your toothbrush depends on the changing shape of the bristles. Replace your toothbrush when the bristles are not straight and change in different directions. For parents, don’t forget to check your child’s toothbrush because usually children’s toothbrushes need to be replaced more often than adults.

In addition to the shape of the brush bristles, there are other contributing factors that require someone to replace their toothbrush prematurely. People who have recovered from illness need to change their toothbrush so that viruses and bacteria do not re-infect. Brush bristles can be a favorite breeding ground for microorganisms.

Tips for caring and cleaning toothbrushes

Toothbrushes are a favorite place for germs and bacteria to live. But, actually the bacteria attached to the toothbrush does not always threaten dental health and rarely make you sick. This is because, when we brush our teeth with toothpaste, generally toothpaste already contains anti-bacterial substances.

Even though it sounds harmless, we still need to take care of our toothbrush so that these microorganisms are not too active to attack our bodies.

  • The key to taking care of your toothbrush is to give it time to dry before using it again. Moist toothbrush is very favored by microorganisms to live in it. After using a toothbrush, don’t forget to rinse it with tap water before drying it.
  • Do not put the toothbrush in a closed place. We recommend that you put the toothbrush in an open place so that it dries quickly. This is to prevent bacteria from getting lodged in your toothbrush.
  • If your toothbrush has a cover like most products sold in the market, it’s a good idea to wait for the brush to dry before putting the cover on.
  • Put it in the open. This is done so that the brush dries faster. It’s okay if the brush is placed together with someone else’s toothbrush, but the thing to remember is never to share the same toothbrush with other people.
  • Another tips, make sure to store the toothbrush upright and avoid piling it with other objects. Because, a toothbrush that is piled up by a soap or toothpaste bottle can increase the number of bacteria on the toothbrush.


Brushing your teeth is healthy, but this activity can also cause disease if you rarely change your toothbrush. You needs to change his toothbrush approximately every three months.

Because, after three or four months, the toothbrush bristles are generally worn out, so they need to be replaced with new ones. However, the condition of the bristles also depends on the wearer.


Risk of Tartar if You Don’t Clean it Properly

Risk of Tartar if You Don’t Clean it Properly

Risk of Tartar – The first thing you notice about someone you meet is the smile on their face. Apart from the obvious aesthetic value of having healthy teeth, there is also a medical value that you cannot ignore.

Taking care of your teeth is an important aspect of taking care of your body. Start by making sure that the tartar that builds up on your teeth is removed regularly. This is to ensure there is no decay in your oral cavity.

Tartar is dental plaque that hardens and grows little by little on your teeth. Initially, dental plaque forms when bacteria in the mouth mix with protein and food debris. If you don’t clean it, then the plaque can cause tartar.

Tartar if left unchecked and not treated immediately, then irritation and inflammation of the teeth and gums will appear more easily.

Also Read Risk of Ignoring a Tooth Abscess for Your Healthy

So, what exactly is tartar?

According to , Tartar is also known as plaque and is called dental calculus when it calcifies. This is a sticky film that covers your tooth enamel. Tartar is formed when the bacteria present mixes with proteins and other food particles that are left in the mouth. Here’s how the plaque formation process works.

The first layer of the acquired pellicle is attached to the tooth, which is the protein coat of saliva. Then a layer of facultative gram-positive cocci covers the pellicle and begins to colonize the tooth surface. More forms of bacteria are attracted to bacterial colonies, such as Veillonella, Actinomyces, and Capnocytophaga.

Foods That Help Tartar Form

Foods with high sugar concentrations that are not cleaned from the teeth have bacteria that eat them. This is likely to release digestive acids that attack tooth enamel, which in turn creates plaque or tartar. This means that candy, ice cream, cakes with frosting are all foods that promote tartar formation.

Chocolate, sugary drinks, milk-based drinks with added sugar, sweetened fruit juices, pastries, pies, and puddings should all be avoided or eaten in moderation to avoid tartar build-up. Other foods with a high sugar content such as jams, honey, marmalade, sugary breakfast cereals, sorbets, fruit in syrup, and sweet sauces should also be avoided.

Tartar removal

You cannot remove tartar, or calculus, on their own at home. Tartar is hard, and if you try to scratch or remove it it can damage your teeth.

Dentists can remove tartar with professional cleaning. Usually, they will recommend scaling and root planning. This procedure will help you remove plaque and tartar under the gums to prevent additional buildup.

If one notices calculus, it is important to continue brushing and flossing regularly. Tartar can make it difficult to remove plaque, so focus on daily flossing and brushing the gum line. A dentist may also recommend certain toothpaste formulations.

The risk of tartar that could be happen

The most common effect of having tartar is the process of teething and flossing is not effective. Disturbances in these teeth will facilitate the process of solving dental problems caused by acids and released by oral bacteria. This will facilitate the emergence of cavities or tooth decay.

Other risk of tartar effects are as follows:

1. Become a breeding ground for bacteria

Overall, tartar has serious effects on oral health especially if it grows above the gum line. This is because this is the right place for bacteria to nest, then infiltrate the gums, causing them to break down, causing irritation and inflammation.

2. Causes gingivitis aka inflammation of the gums

One of the most common effects of tartar is the occurrence of gingivitis, aka inflammation of the gums. After gingivitis occurs, while tartar remains, the gums are just waiting for periodontitis to develop. This disease is in the form of pockets of pus that arise between the gums and teeth.

3. Increase the risk of tooth loss

When the body’s defense system reacts against bacteria in the pocket of pus, the bacteria will also release self-defense substances at the same time. As a result, the teeth and surrounding tissues can be damaged. If it continues, then be prepared to lose teeth, as well as experience thinning of the bone where the teeth are embedded.

How to protect your teeth from that Tartar?

Some actions that can be taken so that tartar does not run rampant in the mouth so that its bad effects can be prevented, including:

1. Brushing teeth

Brushing your teeth twice a day for at least two minutes is considered to be able to prevent the growth of tartar. Use a soft toothbrush that can reach the back of the molars.
Use toothpaste that contains fluoride
Toothpaste containing fluoride is thought to be able to prevent plaque from developing into tartar. This type of toothpaste is also more effective in repairing damaged tooth layers. It would be better if the toothpaste used also contains triclosan which is able to fight bacteria that live in dental plaque.

2. Flossing

Cleaning your teeth with dental floss or flossing is the most effective solution to remove plaque that is between your teeth, thereby reducing the possibility of tartar forming. Flossing still needs to be done, even though you have brushed your teeth regularly.

3. Reduce sugary foods and drinks

The bacteria in the mouth is closely related to the type of food consumed. They thrive when sweet and starchy foods are consumed. Bacteria will release harmful acids when they meet the two types of food above. The best way to reduce the chances of tartar forming is to limit these types of foods.

4. Avoid smoking

Smoking habits facilitate the formation of tartar.


Removing tartar and plaque can reduce the risk of tartar and severe dental and other health problems.

Brushing your teeth regularly can reduce the amount of plaque a person has. However, to remove tartar, one has to go to the dentist.

People who suspect they may have gum disease should seek immediate dental care, whether they believe they have plaque, tartar, or both.


Risk of Ignoring a Tooth Abscess for Your Healthy

Risk of Ignoring a Tooth Abscess for Your Healthy

Risk of Ignoring a Tooth Abscess – Tooth abscesses should not be taken lightly and must be treated immediately. Because, health problems that attack the oral cavity can trigger bad effects if you leave it for too long.

Tooth abscess is a disease that occurs due to bacterial infection and often attacks people who do not maintain good dental hygiene. This can lead to the formation of pockets or lumps filled with pus on the teeth.

A tooth abscess usually appears at the tip of the root of the tooth and causes unbearable pain. Pain that appears as a symptom of this disease is caused by pus that collects in lumps around the teeth and mouth.

A tooth abscess that is not treated properly can make the pus build up and cause the pain to get worse. Even if you know this can lead to complications in the mouth. Dental abscesses need to be addressed immediately to prevent adverse effects on the teeth and mouth.

Also Read How to Take Care of Teeth for Elderly

Risk of Ignoring a Tooth Abscess

Tooth abscesses can be very painful, and the pain may radiate to the ears and neck.

As quoted from, there are three types of dental abscess, namely, periapical abscess that occurs at the root of the tooth, a periodontal abscess that is between the tooth and the gum. And the third, gingival abscess, occurs in the gum tissue and has no impact on the teeth or gum ligaments.

The symptoms of a tooth abscess begin with swelling and pain that get worse over night and over a few days.

In addition, symptoms can include pain when chewing or biting food, even when lying down.

Then, red and swollen face and gums, discolored or even missing teeth, bad breath, foul taste in the mouth, fever to swollen lymph nodes.

Tooth abscess can happen to anyone but is most often found in children. In addition to the annoying pain, this condition is also often characterized by several other symptoms.

This disease triggers symptoms of an increase in body temperature that causes fever, pain and sensitivity when chewing food, swelling of the face and cheeks, and redness of the mouth and face.

Tooth abscess arises because bacteria in the oral cavity spread to the soft tissues and bones of the face and neck. After infection, the bacteria will begin to enter the dental pulp through the cracks in that part.

The risk of tooth abscess increases due to various factors, including the habit of consuming foods that are too sweet and contain lots of sugar, and not maintaining good dental hygiene and health.

In a more severe level, the infection that has spread can also trigger other complications. In this case, complications due to tooth abscess can lead to sepsis, which is a deadly infection that spreads throughout the body.

Complications of a tooth abscess

If you have a tooth abscess, you should immediately get treatment from a dentist. The goal, so that the infection does not spread.

If left untreated, the infection can spread to the jaw, and other parts of the head, neck, including the brain. If a tooth abscess is left alone, there is a risk of complications that can even lead to death.

1. Oral Fistula

Oral fistula is related to the presence of an abnormal cavity or channel in the area of ​​​​the tooth, which is caused by the surface of the organ experiencing inflammation (inflammation).

2. Sepsis

Sepsis is a serious medical condition where there is inflammation throughout the body caused by an infection.

3. Sinus Infection

Sinus inflection is a form of infection in the facial sinuses.

This occurs if the infection is in the upper teeth adjacent to the sinuses, as a result the sinus cavities can contain pus from the teeth.

4. Facial Swelling

A tooth abscess that has become infected and spreads to the face, will cause swelling.

This condition is classified as an emergency, because once swelling occurs in one part of the face, it will spread quickly to other parts.

5. Osteomyelitis

Osteomyelitis is a bone infection caused by microorganisms that enter the body through wounds or the spread of infection through the blood.

6. Ludwig Angina

Ludwig’s angina is a more serious condition than cellulitis due to fistulas.

Abscess due to fistula in the lower mouth that is not resolved triggers swelling that can compress the airway (larynx) causing shortness of breath and can lead to death.


Therefore, it is very important to always maintain the health and hygiene of the dental and oral cavity. That way, the risk of ignoring a tooth abscess can be avoided.

You can schedule a visit to the dentist every 6 months. If there are complaints of toothache before the time of the visit, you can try asking and conveying the problems that arise to the dentist.


Diseases that Often Occur in the Mouth

Diseases that Often Occur in the Mouth

Diseases that Often Occur in the Mouth – Mouth and teeth are parts of the body whose function is very vital for you. In addition to other body parts, maintaining their health is no less important for you to do. If not, then there will be various diseases that will often occur in the mouth. What types of oral diseases need to be wary of?

Also Read Some Causes of Swollen and Bleeding Gums

1. Gingivitis

Gingivitis or inflammation of the gums is a condition that occurs due to poor oral hygiene, or the accumulation of tartar in your mouth. This infection will occur in the gums caused by the abundance of bacteria in the plaque and tartar. The condition will get worse and more serious if you don’t treat it properly. So it can develop into other diseases.

These things can increase the risk of gingivitis:

  • Your smoking habit;
  • You brush your teeth too vigorously;
  • Lack of vitamins;
  • Rarely clean teeth and food debris;
  • Using a toothbrush that does not fit the mouth;
  • Have diabetes mellitus;
  • Wearing dentures;
  • Abnormal hormone cycles;
  • Use of certain drugs;

2. Glossitis

Not only on your gums, the tongue can also experience inflammation. This inflammation of the tongue is called glossitis. What’s worse, glossitis can trigger respiratory obstruction when the tongue swells very badly.

These things can cause glossitis:

  • Allergic reactions to certain irritants, certain foods or medications.
  • Oral trauma usually by wounds.
  • Your mouth is dry.
  • Deficiency of consuming iron.
  • Certain other diseases.
  • Consumption of illegal drugs.

3. Hypersensitive Teeth

It can appear on the teeth and usually this will be marked by pain in the teeth. This condition, also known as dentin hypersensitivity, can also be experienced by older people. Because naturally due to gingival recession or gum decline. Of course, the condition of the gums is also supported by the age factor.

Hypersensitivity teeth can also occur due to:

  • Often eat and drink cold, sweet, and sour;
  • Dental bleaching procedures aka teeth whitening that is not correct;
  • The build-up of tartar which then triggers gum decline;
  • The addition of age or the factor of getting old.

4. Gum abscess

This condition is characterized by the discharge of pus from your gums (pus gums). Pus that will come out in the gums looks thick liquid that is yellow, white to slightly yellow, or it can be yellow to slightly brown. Pus can appear if there is inflammation or inflammation of the gums due to bacteria in your mouth.

This inflammation then triggers the formation of an abscess in the tooth and eventually the infection appears by spreading to the entire area of ​​your gums. The effect will be a collection of pus that occurs in the gums. Therefore, this abscess will not heal if you leave it alone.

5. Dental Tumor

Did you know that tumors can also grow on teeth? Like tumors in other parts of the body, dental tumors are also a fairly dangerous condition. It can lead to death if not treated immediately. When you have a dental tumor, there is a fleshy growth that is like a parasite and can damage the living tissue of the teeth and mouth area.

These things can cause tooth tumors:

  • Pulling teeth carelessly or not with the right and unhygienic tools;
  • Bacteria that grow too much and quickly in the tissues around the teeth;
  • Lack of maintenance of your oral hygiene and teeth.

6. Dental caries

This disease, which has another name dental caries, is a type of infection that can cause damage to the structure of your teeth. The presence of dental caries will also be able to trigger cavities. This disease, if left untreated or not properly treated, can cause pain, infection, and tooth loss.

These things can increase the occurrence of dental caries:

  • Certain disorders that occur in the area of ​​​​the teeth;
  • Dental anatomy that can increase the risk of caries formation;
  • Bacteria that breed in the mouth area;
  • Impaired saliva production;
  • certain medications, such as antidepressants and antihistamines;
  • Tobacco use;
  • Carbohydrate fermentation.


Such are some of the diseases that are prone to occur in your mouth. If you experience various symptoms that have been described, you must and do not hesitate to discuss them with your doctor, so that treatment can be done as soon as possible to avoid unwanted things from happening.


Symptoms of a Spreading Tooth Infection

Symptoms of a Spreading Tooth Infection

Symptoms of a Spreading Tooth Infection – Cavities that are left unchecked can lead to dental infections. If the infection is left alone, of course the infection can spread to other organs of your body. Symptoms can also interfere with your activities. These cavities are better not to be ignored. You need to recognize the symptoms of a spreading tooth infection and when is the right time to see a dentist.

Also Read Is it Important to Teaching Oral Health to Children?

What is the symptoms of a spreading tooth infection?

Basically, toothache pain comes and goes. Some people may think that having a dental check-up is something that can be postponed. Whereas if you ignore it can have an impact on a severe dental infection.

The infection can develop into a tooth abscess, which is a pus-filled lump due to a bacterial infection of the tooth. The location of the abscess can occur at the tip of the root of the tooth or the gum around the infected tooth.

Quoted from the Statpearls Publishing article, dental abscesses are caused because the teeth are not cleaned properly. Plaque buildup that causes cavities, and previous dental injuries or treatments.

Dental infections that are not treated immediately can spread to the jaw, head, neck, and throughout the body. In the end, the condition can have serious overall health effects.

Symptoms of a tooth infection you need to know :

  • Toothache that is unbearable, persistent, throbbing, until it spreads to the jawbone, neck, and ears
  • Sensitive to hot and cold temperatures
  • Pain when chewing or biting
  • Fever
  • Swelling of the cheeks
  • Swollen lymph nodes (lower jaw or neck)
  • If the abscess bursts, a salty and foul-smelling fluid will come out of the mouth
  • Shortness of breath and difficulty swallowing

If you find the above symptoms, it means that the tooth infection has started to spread. Leaving it alone can increase the risk of brain abscess, inflammation in the heart, pneumonia, and other complications.

Why do tooth infections occur?

Symptoms of a tooth infection can arise for several reasons. Usually it is cavities. Bacteria in cavities can easily enter through cavities, chips, or cracks in your teeth. This provides an avenue for bacteria to enter the deepest part of the tooth.

Bacteria enter and infect the deepest part of the tooth which is found in blood vessels, nerves, and connective tissue. These bacteria cause swelling and inflammation at the root tips, triggering other symptoms of tooth infection.

If swelling of the gums or cheeks occurs, and other symptoms arise, don’t delay going to the dentist. However, if symptoms progress to shortness of breath or difficulty swallowing, it is best to immediately go to the hospital’s emergency department. This is because it could be a sign that the infection has spread.

To treat the infection, the dentist will perform root canal treatment. This procedure is performed to remove the infection from the root of the tooth.

In the treatment of infected teeth, the dentist will also treat the gums affected by the abscess and usually follow-up treatment so that the tooth infection can be resolved.

When root treatment is not possible, the dentist will remove the infected tooth to treat the abscess.

How to avoid severe tooth infection

Self-care should not be missed, so that dental infections do not come.

Here’s a routine that you need to do to maintain healthy teeth:

  • Brush teeth properly twice a day
  • Flossing teeth at least once a day
  • Gargling with mouthwash / mouthwash containing essential oils, helps reduce 99.9% of germs that cause oral problems, as extra protection against cavities
  • Avoid consuming sugary and sticky foods or drinks, especially before you go to sleep
  • Regularly check with the dentist every six months


It is important for you to always maintain and care for your dental health. Because if you already have an infection, you inevitably have to give up quite a lot of money for treatment.


How to Take Care of Teeth for Elderly

How to Take Care of Teeth for Elderly

Take Care of Teeth for Elderly – Healthy teeth are everyone’s dream, including the elderly (elderly). At the age of 60 years, the condition of the body is certainly not as strong as before, especially in the teeth. Because of this concern, it is proper for the elderly to take care of their teeth in the right and appropriate way.

Teeth can fall out more easily as you get older if your parents smoked and didn’t keep your teeth clean. However, there are several other causes that in fact can also increase the risk of the elderly experiencing tooth loss.

Routine is the key to teeth and dental flossing is important to maintain oral health, especially for the elderly. In the elderly, plaque can build up quickly on the teeth, especially if your parents did not maintain good oral hygiene. Not only can this increase the risk of tooth decay, but it can also lead to gum disease which in turn can cause the elderly teeth to easily fall out.

Also Read Characteristics of Cavities That You Must Know

The risk of experiencing dental health problems in the elderly

When entering old age, one of the common elderly diseases that arise is dental and oral health problems. Some of the dental and oral health conditions that commonly occur in the elderly are:

  • Cavity.
  • Gum problems.
  • Loose teeth.
  • Oral cancer.
  • However, of the many problems that may arise, cavities are indeed one of the most common. It is true, the risk of experiencing this condition increases with age.

Usually, the elderly experience cavities due to dry mouth. But make no mistake, dry mouth is not part of the aging process. This condition often occurs in the elderly because of the side effects of treatment.

Yes, there are certain types of treatment for certain conditions that can cause dry mouth. For example asthma, high blood pressure (hypertension), high cholesterol, anxiety disorders, depression, Parkinson’s disease, and Alzheimer’s.

Therefore, in order to avoid various health problems in the elderly, dentists need to know the type of medicine you are using. That way, your doctor can help recommend ways to relieve the side effects of dry mouth and prevent cavities in older people’s teeth. You should know about several tips to take care of teeth for elderly incase you have someone elderly in your family.

Tips to Take Care of Teeth for Elderly

1. Restrict sweet and starch-containing foods

Elderly nurses can help prevent dental and oral disorders in the elderly by reducing or limiting sugary or starchy foods and drinks. Both are foods and drinks that can damage teeth, regardless of your age, both children and when you enter old age.

Sugar creates acid that can erode your teeth. While foods containing starch stick to the teeth and form plaque, which makes bacteria accumulate on the teeth.

In addition, avoid foods or drinks that contain artificial sweeteners such as aspartame. Because, these artificial sweeteners make you want to consume more sugar. Not to mention, consuming it can increase weight, increase the risk of diabetes, high blood pressure and heart disease.

2. Keep a healthy diet

A healthy diet for the elderly will help take care of the teeth and mouth of the elderly. Be sure to add fermented foods to your diet to help balance the bacteria that live in your mouth.

Some types of fermented foods such as cheese, butter, kefir, and yogurt. You can also add other fermented foods such as kimchi, kombucha, or miso to your daily menu.

In addition, the consumption of foods that can help boost the immune system of the elderly. This will help protect you from infections and diseases of the mouth, as you get older.

Some foods that can boost immunity are garlic, coconut oil, green vegetables, spirulina, papaya, kiwi, and oranges.

3. Follow the dentist’s advice

If the elderly have had dental implants or fillings, this needs appropriate treatment to keep getting healthy teeth in old age. Do the treatment recommended by the doctor to maintain the repair of your teeth.

If your elderly wear dentures, be sure to keep them clean and follow the dentist’s special care guidelines. Just like natural teeth, dentures can last a long time if you take good care of them.

4. Go to the dentist regularly

In addition to doing dental care at home, you still have to regularly check your dentist’s teeth. The reason is, visiting the dentist regularly can help you detect dental problems that may occur. This will make it easier for the doctor to treat the dental problem immediately.

The problem is, if parents delay treatment of problematic teeth, the damage that occurs can be permanent. This means that the condition is too severe to be treated by a doctor.

When you go to the dental clinic, the doctor will examine and help clean it thoroughly. In fact, the doctor will carry out the treatment to a point that you cannot reach when cleaning it yourself. This will make the teeth, gums, and mouth of the elderly healthier.

5. Use dental floss

Brushing and flossing your teeth every day is very important to maintain oral health so that your teeth do not have problems when you reach old age. This is because plaque can build up quickly on the teeth of the elderly, especially if oral hygiene is neglected, causing tooth decay and gum disease.


In order to avoid dental and oral problems, the elderly who use dentures are also recommended to brush and rinse their teeth before and after soaking them in a special cleaning liquid.

Due to the decline in the function of the body’s organs, of course, dental and oral health when you reach old age need attention. Apply the tips on caring for the teeth for the elderly above so that your teeth are healthy and strong. One of the most important things, undergo regular checkups to the dentist and keep yourself from eating foods that are at risk of damaging your teeth.


Manual and Electric Toothbrush, Which One is The Best?

Manual and Electric Toothbrush, Which One is The Best?

Manual and Electric Toothbrush – Did you know that toothbrushes come in many forms? There are regular or manual toothbrushes and there are electric ones. Although the function is the same, the two types of toothbrush have a slightly different way of working. Between manual and electric toothbrushes, which one is better?

The way manual and electric toothbrushes work is slightly different. An electric toothbrush uses electricity. So the bristles can move and rotate automatically. While manual toothbrushes must be moved and rotated by themselves using hands.

Also Read Characteristics of Cavities That You Must Know

Difference between Manual and Electric Toothbrush

Manual and electric toothbrushes both work to remove plaque and food residue on your teeth and gums. Before deciding which type of toothbrush is better, you need to first know the advantages and disadvantages of each.

1. Manual toothbrush

Manual toothbrushes are quite effective in removing plaque from your teeth. In addition, this type of toothbrush also has several advantages :

  • Easy to get, be it at a pharmacy, warung, or supermarket
  • More practical and does not need to use batteries
  • The price is relatively cheap
  • Available in many shapes and choices of bristles
  • Although it has advantages, manual toothbrushes also have disadvantages. In the use of this type of toothbrush, people usually tend to brush their teeth too hard, so the risk of damaging the teeth and injuring the gums.

But, brushing too hard can also erode tooth enamel or the protective layer of your teeth. Eroded tooth enamel will make your teeth look yellower and darker.

If you use a manual toothbrush, it will also make it difficult for users to know whether the duration of brushing their teeth is ideal or not. Because ideally a good brushing time is for about 1-2 minutes.

2. Electric toothbrush

Electric toothbrushes can reduce plaque by about 21% more than manual toothbrushes. In addition, the use of an electric toothbrush is also less risky for causing gingivitis.

This type of toothbrush is also good for long-term use and is effective in preventing tooth decay. Other advantages too:

  • Easy to use
  • Equipped with a timer feature that makes it easy to brush your teeth with the ideal time waktu
  • It has a pressure sensor feature that is able to detect when the teeth are brushed too hard.
  • A good choice of toothbrush for children and people with certain conditions, such as hand arthritis, carpal tunnel syndrome, and people with disabilities.
  • It is the right choice of toothbrush for braces or stirrup users because it can make cleaning teeth easier
  • Makes users more focused when brushing their teeth, so the results can be maximized

Electric toothbrushes also have their drawbacks :

  • Less effective in the elderly in cleaning dental plaque than a manual toothbrush
  • The price is quite expensive and not available everywhere, especially in areas far from big cities
  • Not practical when used when traveling because you need to carry a spare brush head

So, Manual or Electric Toothbrush?

Whatever type of toothbrush you use, be it a manual and electric toothbrush, it will be equally effective in maintaining healthy teeth and mouth as long as it is done the right way.

Make sure you brush your teeth at least 2 times a day and for at least 2 minutes. In addition, there are several other important things that need to be considered in maintaining dental and oral health :

  • Avoid exchanging toothbrushes with other people.
  • Choose a toothbrush head that is the right size for your mouth.
  • Choose a toothbrush with soft, smooth bristles.
  • Use toothpaste that contains fluoride.

If you are confused about choosing the right type of toothbrush or have problems with your teeth and gums, don’t hesitate to consult a dentist.
