Is it Important to Teaching Oral Health to Children?

Is it Important to Teaching Oral Health to Children?

Teaching Oral Health to Children – It is important to take care of children’s overall health. Including the health of their teeth and mouth. Unfortunately, not many parents may need to be taught to maintain dental and oral health from an early age. Many parents think that just teeth are enough.

Teaching oral health to children and also dental health is one of the good habits that must be taught by parents since childhood. That way, this can become a habit and make children have a high awareness to do this for the rest of their lives. In fact, this habit helps prevent caries and periodontal disease as people age.

Also Read Some Causes of Swollen and Bleeding Gums

The Risk If You Not Maintaining Dental and Oral Health

Brushing your teeth regularly can be one way to keep your teeth and mouth healthy. But keep in mind, that alone may not be enough, especially in children. Routines of brushing teeth, cleaning the oral cavity using mouthwash, and using dental floss are still not effective in avoiding disorders of the teeth and mouth.

This condition should not be ignored. The reason is, problems with teeth and mouth can be fatal and affect the overall health condition of the body. Infections of the teeth or gums can spread to other body tissues. In severe conditions, infection can increase the risk of disease or disorders of other organs.

There are various dental and oral health problems that can arise if your little one is not used to keeping the area clean. The risk of disease increases in children who rarely brush their teeth, chew gum or sugary foods excessively, and drink less water. In fact, these habits are prone to damage teeth and gums.

If your child’s teeth are damaged, it can cause pain, swelling of the gums, cavities, and even tooth decay in children. There are various types of toothache that may appear.

1. Dental Caries

This pain is common and often occurs in children. Dental caries arises because there is a buildup of plaque in the area of ​​their teeth and mouth. Plaque is bacteria or dirt that sticks and lives in the oral cavity. Plaque appears due to food residue that is not cleaned or not brushing your teeth before going to bed.

2. Gingivitis

Then gingivitis, aka inflammation of the gums can also appear due to poor oral hygiene. Not much different from dental caries, gingivitis is also caused by the buildup of plaque on the teeth. This infection causes inflamed gums and makes your child’s gums bleed easily.

3. Periodontitis

You need to know, disorders of the gums can get worse, especially if the child does not have the habit of brushing his teeth properly. A more dangerous condition can occur, namely periodontitis. This condition is a serious gum infection that can damage the soft tissue and bone that support teeth. Symptoms that arise as a sign of this disease are bad breath, changes in the color of the gums to bright red or purplish, swelling and bleeding of the gums.


Therefore, it is important to Teaching Oral Health to Children to keep their teeth and mouth clean to avoid these diseases. If you are in doubt and need doctor’s advice, you can come to our clinic. Or you can also more easily contact the dentist and find out about tips on maintaining the health of your child’s teeth and mouth through our contact.
